
Trusting in a God of Miracles: Shifting from Protective Pessimism to Confident Hope

 "But forget all that--it is nothing compared to what I am going to do. For I am about to do something new.  See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness.  I will create rivers in the dry wasteland." -Isaiah 43:18-19 Anyone else have difficulty trusting God to do big things, even when you have witnessed His faithfulness and goodness time & time again? As a long-time struggler with anxiety, fear of the unknown, and something I like to call “protective pessimism” (aka: purposefully expecting the worst in order to avoid the painful experience of hoping for something wonderful and being bitterly disappointed…an annoying character flaw, I know…God is working on that), I often find myself in constant need of reminders of God’s past faithfulness and goodness in order to stay grounded in my faith. Thankfully, my Heavenly Father knows this about me & is constantly providing me with these reminders right when I need them… To pre...

Why Adoption Awareness Matters to Me (and to You!)--by Kaela Enderle

“Where did he come from? Why couldn’t his real mom take care of him? So she just didn’t want him?”      These are the questions of a grade-school aged girl I had a conversation with in my car a couple of months ago. This was certainly not the first time someone has randomly asked me questions that catch me off-guard. Young kids tend to ask questions more “bluntly,” and that’s to be expected—though I think you’d probably be shocked by some of the equally blunt questions I’ve received from complete-stranger adults in the middle of the store. I have mixed feelings when it comes to adoption questions. When friends & family ask questions, I welcome it! I love that they care enough about our family and our son that they want to grow their awareness about adoption. When random strangers ask questions, I don’t always know how to respond because it’s difficult to determine why they want to know. Where is the line drawn between 1) Genuine interest & wanting to l...

The Truth About God Through Heartache and Loss: My Thoughts In Honor of Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month

“I am so glad that you are pregnant again—I was praying that would happen for you soon.” These are words that I have heard often over the past couple of months that have evoked a vast array of emotions in me. (Before I explain, let me be clear that if you have said these words to me, I am not offended)! As many of you know, Caleb and I have had a bumpy-road journey towards growing our family: a difficult 3-year season with a health issue, dark periods of wrestling with God and doubting His goodness, a long adoption match that fell through prior to the adoption of our son, and most recently, the loss of a child whom we had prayed for and tried for a long time to conceive. Along with these heartaches, we have also experienced great joys—the nearness of God through heartache, the sufficiency of His grace and provision, a deeper knowledge of His goodness, the abundant love of the body of Christ, the inexpressible awe at the way God brought our first child into our lives, and the bles...